Grove Furnishings Ltd Privacy Notice

Grove Furnishings Ltd gathers and processes your personal information in accordance with this privacy notice and in compliance with the relevant data protection Regulation and law. This notice provides you with the necessary information regarding your rights and obligations, and explains how, why and when we collect and process your personal data.

Grove Furnishings Ltd ’s registered office is at Kiltoy Road, Letterkenny, County Donegal. We are registered on the Data Protection Commissioner’s register of Data Controllers under registration number [102 973]. Our designated Data Protection Officer/Compliance Officer for the organisation is [Siobhan Sweeney/Ben Gallagher], and we can be contacted at Kiltoy Road, Letterkenny, County Donegal. Phone number is 0749121064.

Grove Furnishings Ltd processes your personal information to meet our legal, statutory and contractual obligations and to provide you with our products and services. We will never collect any unnecessary personal data from you and do not process your information in any way, other than already specified in this notice.

Home Address
Personal Email
Business Email
Home Telephone Number
Work Telephone Number
Mobile Telephone Number
We collect information in the below ways: –
In person verbally at Point of Sale
By phone
By email
By employment CV’s

Grove Furnishings Ltd takes your privacy very seriously and will never disclosure, share or sell your data without your consent, unless required to do so by law. We only retain your data for as long as is necessary and for the purposes specified in this notice. Where you have consented to us providing you with promotional offers and marketing, you are free to withdraw consent at any time.

The purposes and reasons for processing your personal data are detailed below: –
We collect your personal data in the performance of a contract or to provide a service and to ensure that orders are completed and can be sent out to your preferred address
We collect and store your personal data as part of our legal obligation for business accounting and tax purposes
We collect and store your personal data for SMS marketing purposes, with your written consent to which you can Opt-Out at any time on request

You have the right to access any personal information that Grove Furnishings Ltd processes about you and to request information about: –
What personal data we hold about you
The purposes of the processing
The categories of personal data concerned
The recipients to whom the personal data has/will be disclosed
How long we intend to store your personal data for
If we did not collect the data directly from you, information about the source
If you believe that we hold any incomplete or inaccurate data about you, you have the right to ask us to correct and/or complete the information and we will strive to update/correct it as quickly as possible; unless there is a valid reason for not doing so, at which point you will be notified.
You also have the right to request erasure of your personal data or to restrict processing in accordance with data protection laws, as well as to object to any direct marketing from us and to be informed about any automated decision-making that we use.
If we receive a request from you to exercise any of the above rights, we may ask you to verify your identity before acting on the relevant request; this is to ensure that your data is protected and kept secure.

We do not share or disclose any of your personal information without your consent, other than for the purposes specified in this notice or where there is a legal requirement. Grove Furnishings Ltd uses [a third-party/third-parties] to provide the below services and business functions, however all processors acting on our behalf only process your data in accordance with instructions from us and comply fully with this privacy notice, the data protection laws and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. We share your personal data with the following categories:

For tax purposes, we share your personal data with our accountant. This includes sharing invoices with your details for the purpose of completing our end of year accounts. Our accountant is located in Park House, Ballyraine, Letterkenny, Co Donegal, Ireland.

For insurance and legal purposes, we will share your personal data with our insurance companies when required to do so. This includes supplying personal data under the requirements of our contract with the insurance company or in relation to a claim that we make or receive. Our insurance company is located in Hegarty House, Ballymacool, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland.

Grove Furnishings Ltd takes your privacy seriously and we take every reasonable measure and precaution to protect and secure your personal data. We work hard to protect you and your information from unauthorised access, alteration, disclosure or destruction and have several layers of security measures in place, including: – SSL, encryptions, practices, authentication

Consequences of Not Providing Your Data
You are not obligated to provide your personal information to Grove Furnishings Ltd, however, as this information is required for [us to provide you with our services/deliver your products], we will not be able to offer some/all of our products or services without it.

Grove Furnishings Ltd retains your personal data for as long as necessary to provide you with our services as our client. Grove Furnishings Ltd are required under tax laws to keep your personal data for 6 years, Accounting records for a period of 6 years after the end of the financial year and insurance records for a period of 10 years.

Grove Furnishings Ltd only processes your personal information in compliance with this privacy notice and in accordance with the relevant data protection laws. If, however you wish to raise a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data or are unsatisfied with how we have handled your information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.